"Dragon island" is a wonderful island in Yemen, its name is Socotra and
also known as Dragon island, the island is one of the rare islands on
earth, it contains many rare plants and creatures. It is one of the most
beautiful destinations in the world for adventure lovers, where you
will find the nice coast, rare plants and creatures and magnificent
caves.In Socotra find what you do not find anywhere else in the world,
and you'll find the islanders lives in the primitive ways for thousands
of years. If you are looking for a new adventure will not forget in your
life, or a different story to write, or great pictures to shot, or even
just lie down on the soft sand beach, this quiet island is a place of
dreams! This book "dragon island" cotains more that 60 photos of the
island and its plants and creatures, with helpful information about how
to go and what you can see in the island.
Find more articles in travel and photography from the writer at www.nilepal.com and buy the book online.
Also read;
Also read;
Socotra Island Part1 The Land Of Rare Plants
Socotra Island Part2 Stunning Beaches
Socotra Island Part3; The Strange Creatures Island!
You can buy the book online from amazon from here
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