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How to Choose and Use your Basic Photography Gear?

It is embarrassing that you have the necessary photography gear, but not have the basic skills to use those tools. It is also frustrating to have a great desire for photography, but not have the right tools! The balance between basic skills and appropriate gear required is very important for the purpose of photography. 
My new book How to Choose and Use Your Basic Photography Gear is an easy, practical guide for every photographer who have just started or planning to. In this book, you'll learn about basics such as exposure and white balance. You'll learn basic skills like holding the camera, adjusting the setting and lighting. Also, you'll have more focus on Portrait, Landscape photography, Architectural Photography and Photojournalism. 
This books is not only about using the camera, it's also about how to choose the right camera gear that can do the perfect job for you! In the last chapter of the book, you'll learn how to choose the ideal digital camera, the right lens, and how to set up your own studio.
To have a look or buy the book online please visit this link:


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

What To See And Do In Socotra?

Socotra (The Island of the Dragon's Blood Tree) is an amazing and unique island in the Indian Ocean South of Yemen. This rare island contains many rare plants, trees, insects, reptiles, birds and animals; many of the creatures in the island of Socotra cannot be found anywhere on earth except Socotra! The island has become an interesting destination for its calm beaches, amazing landscapes, unique lifestyle, and the rare plants and animals. Beaches of Socotra are amazing, they are calm and clear, and you can relax in its soft sand or swim in the warm water. The most famous beaches that are perfect for swimming and diving are Detwah, De Hamry and Ras Shuab. A beach Socotra is not just one island; it is an archipelago of four islands, Samha, Darsa, Abd Al Kory and the biggest one Socotra. Socotra is the main island and the capital of the archipelago, which became an independent province in 2014. Most attractions are on the Island of Socotra, a four wheel driv

Socotra Island Part1 The Land Of Rare Plants

Discovering new worlds is nice, but discovering rare and strange places is great! if you looking to have this feeling -just like me- then you should travel to Socotra island - Yemen, it is one of the few rare and strange places in the world, where you can find things only in Socotra - like the plant in the photo to the left-  not any other place in the world! This plant grows in rocks , it has a strange shape , the islanders use its leaves   as  treatment for some  diseases. Socotra is also known as the dragoon's blood island, I wort a book about this great island contains more than 60 photos in 70 pages talking about what you can see and do in this amazing island and many helpfull information based on my perosonal trip to the dreaming island, don't leave the world with out visting this island, this is all what I can say to all adventure, photographers and travelers lovers! Click here to have a look in my book. Or click here to have a look at my second bo

تأسيس ويكيبيديا

في العام 2000 قرر الأمريكي جيمي ويلز الانسحاب من عمله كمتاجر في الأوراق المالية والعمل على مشروع اسمه "نيوبيديا" وهو عبارة عن  موسوعة على الانترنت بحيث تكون متاحة وسهلة الوصول من قبل الجميع في أنحاء العالم. كانت المقالات تكتب بواسطة مجموعة من المساهمين المتطوعين ذوي الخبرة في مجال الاختصاص، ثم يتم مراجعتها بواسطة محررين خبراء متخصصين قبل نشر المقالات كمحتوى حر على الانترنت. شاهد الحلقة كاملة على قناتي الان، واشترك بالقناة ليصلك كل جديد كل يوم. المشروع، كما هو واضح يهدف إلى نشر المعرفة على أكبر نطاق ممكن. تقدم الموسوعات عدد ضخم من الموضوعات المختصرة في مختلف المجالات بأسلوب بسيط وموضوعي، وغالباً ما تحتوي على مراجع لمزيد من القراءة حتى تكون نقطة انطلاق لمزيد من البحث التفصيلي. ربما تكون أشهر الموسوعات الناطقة بالإنجليزية هي الموسوعة البريطانية التي يتم تطويرها منذ العام 1768م، لكن مشكلة الموسوعات بشكل عام هو حجمها الكبير وبالتالي صعوبة نقلها وتكلفة شرائها غير المناسبة للكثير من الناس. مشروع جيمي ويلز يأتي لحل هذه الإشكالية، وجعل الموسوعات رقمية ومتاحة للجميع بشكل مجاني، لكن الم