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عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, 2013

Canon EOS 5D MARK II Short Review

Canon EOS 5D MARK II DSLR CAMERA Canon EOS 5D MARK II Short Review By: Muneer M. Binwaber In August 2005 Canon defined the first compact full-frame camera Canon EOS 5D (DSLR).  The first thing we should know about this camera is its Full-frame feature, where this feature give the camera many advantages such as larger pixels, lower noise at high ISO levels  and advantages for wide-angle photography which makes it ideal for wedding, architecture and landscape photography. In September 2008 Canon announced its first video recording capabilities DSLR camera that was the second edition of Canon 5D and called Canon 5D MARK ii, and in March 2012, Canon announced Canon EOS 5D MARK iii. Canon 5D MARK ii features 21.1 megapixels (5,616 × 3,744 pixels), compared to 12.8 megapixels (4,368 × 2,912 pixels) in Canon EOS 5D.  Pixel size is a very important attribute of a sensor’s overall performance – typically the larger the pixel, the better the overall perfo...