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عرض المشاركات من يوليو, 2015

How to Choose and Use your Basic Photography Gear?

It is embarrassing that you have the necessary photography gear, but not have the basic skills to use those tools. It is also frustrating to have a great desire for photography, but not have the right tools! The balance between basic skills and appropriate gear required is very important for the purpose of photography.  My new book How to Choose and Use Your Basic Photography Gear is an easy, practical guide for every photographer who have just started or planning to. In this book, you'll learn about basics such as exposure and white balance. You'll learn basic skills like holding the camera, adjusting the setting and lighting. Also, you'll have more focus on Portrait, Landscape photography, Architectural Photography and Photojournalism.  This books is not only about using the camera, it's also about how to choose the right camera gear that can do the perfect job for you! In the last chapter of the book, you'll learn how to choose the ideal digital c...