التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر, 2013

Protected of Dragon Blood Tree

Protected of Dragon Blood Tree By: Muneer Binwaber Dragon Blood Tree\Socotra Island-Yemen. By Muneer Binwaber. In the middle of the ocean, off the coast of the Arabian Sea in Yemen, a natural ship docked millions of years ago! Carrying treasures of rare trees and plants! It is the  idyllic island of Socotra \ Yemen. We do not know how it got Cain and Abel to the island! However, Abel and Cain killed each other there, their blood melt down and created the dragon blood tree.  Red substance extracted from this tree, called resin, the color red because of the blood as the legend says! Socotra Island is unique, museum of rare natural and a chance for those who love plants and adventure.  In 2013, the island got the name of Most Unusual Island in The World! Dragon Tree is the most popular tree in the island; this tree spread across the island particularly in the highlands of protected "Dquism" Where you will live a unique experience! T...