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عرض المشاركات من أكتوبر, 2013

Photo Gears Makes Better Stories!

Photo Gear Makes Better Stories! By: Muneer Binwaber Suppose you traveld to the jungles of Africa! OR to Paris!  Of course, it will be a trip full of adventures! Now, after this trip, return home and tell your story to your friends and family. Will tell them how it was a giant elephant!Or how it looks like the Eiffel Tower, and how long view of Paris from the top! I'm sure you will explain and describe so much, but although it is possible not to feel excited just like you! So wisdom says, PICTURE WORTH 1000 WORDS! Pictures not only keep your memories for generation after another, but also make your memories more realistic and interesting; but to have good picture you should have good photo gears and basic knowlage of using that gears such as cameras and lenses and so on. Here are some good books in this field might help you making better stories in your next trip to AFRICA! 1) Title: How to Choose Yor Camera Lenses?: The Easy Practical Guide in Canon...